By : Christian Mosi



New York City officials have continued efforts to slow the novel coronavirus pandemic by shutting schools, non-essential businesses and urging residents to stay at home. Ridership has declined across New York’s mass transit system such as subways and busses. The virus has the ability to stay on surfaces for 72 hours causing concern in the safety of New Yorkers.  COVID19 has been deemed as the overall “equalizer”, uprooting our daily lifestyles and giving us only memories of what “ normal life “ once was. Below are some predictions of the aftermath of  COVID19. 

Mass Migration: New Yorkers may see that the quality of life that NYC has to offer may not be the best during a world pandemic. NYC is overpopulated and we are often in close contact with others during the rush over commute. A lot of these close contact practices have caused NYC to be the epicenter of the COVID19. Rental and housing prices may increase causing residents to flee to cities with affordable housing and dense populations. 

BYE BYE NYFW: New York Fashion Week is one of the most legendary weeks in the world! The culture of Fashion was heavily impacted by COVID19 due to productions being halted or canceled.  Fashion shows may be deemed unsanitary due to people in close contact and makeup artists not having the ability to clean after each makeup application. The future of fashion shows will most likely be live-streamed

Stain on Job Markets: 30 Million Americans have filed for unemployment claims since mid - March. Employers had to result in layoffs due to revenue decreases, Employers will also continue to keep staff working from home to offset high rent prices in Manhattan. Employers can start using the “COVID19” as an excuse to not hire due to budgets.  How can retailers grasp this new reality? Fashion stylists and designers work with clients to get measurements. How can they safely practice this technique? Fitting Rooms will be a thing of the past !!